I loved every minute of being on W. 3rd St. What an incredible neighborhood this is. People are smart and funny and engaging. They are creative and refreshingly interesting. My policy, "Have fun! Touch everything and if you break it, just say sorry" was well received. In fact, no one broke a thing!
I'm going to miss my neighbors. Please visit Natalie (Traveler's Bookcase), Elaine (EK) and all the girls at Benefit- tell them I send regards! Thankfully I was on a diet this holiday and could only enjoy coffee at Joan's. I'm also grateful that Magnolia Bakery wasn't open. I hear from the owner, Steve, that they'll be open in April. The flowers I received from Fraiche were beautiful! Too bad they outlasted my interest in their sender.
I can't leave the block without thanking Tasha Adams. She was TWEAK 99's first friend in the new neighborhood. She welcomed us to W 3rd St and set the tone for what would be my best season ever! Her blog, www.blackburnandsweetzer.com ,is a well respected and well trusted resource for the residents and each person who came to see me because of her post let me know that they are avid followers of hers.
Cheers to Deborah and Carla for their efforts in the W 3rd St Holiday Street Party. It was an amazing rainless night! In all my years in retail (plenty when you count my Tesoro days) I've never seen a better business community. I have been grateful for each email blast regarding potentially dangerous persons, block updates and general communications. Beverly Hills certainly could take a lesson from you! www.westthirdstreet.com
I'm often asked if the holiday season was successful. I know everyone is actually asking if I made money.
"Of course it was successful!" I made new friends. I employed people. I bought product from vendors, artists and friends and they were able to keep their businesses alive for one more season. I worked hard, laughed harder and can't wait until the next holiday season.
As TWEAK 99 closes its doors on the '09 holiday season, I would like to wish everyone a new year filled with open eyes and open hearts so that you can appreciate all the goodness that's around us. Thank you again and look forward to reconnecting next September.